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Customer Engagement – Why it’s different for B2B Organisations

This eGuide explores the trends in B2B customer expectations, and how organisations can create the level of customer engagement required to retain business in the long term.

As consumers, it’s no surprise we tend to be loyal to the brands we know and trust. But does brand loyalty still apply when it comes to B2B organisations?

The reality is, beyond loyalty, business customers have more factors to consider, including economic uncertainty, regulatory change, and market specific pressures. The trends reveal that buying cycles are extending and companies are opting for more research and evaluation before making final decisions.

Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence signalling the consumerisation of B2B decision making. One need only look to the rise of peer reviews and social media reinforcing consumer-style purchasing habits within business.

With this in mind, we have written a detailed eGuide exploring the trends in B2B customer expectations, and how organisations can create the level of customer engagement required to retain business in the long term.

In our free eGuide, Customer Engagement – Why It’s Different for B2B Organisations, we cover:

  • Trends in B2B behaviour
  • Creating a buyer-centric sales team
  • Maximising first impressions
  • Aligning sales and marketing activity
  • And much, much more!

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