

News, views, trends and tips from our team of data experts

Why should you invest in marketing during a recession?

Unless you’ve been on a remote island cut-off from the rest of the world, you won’t need filling in on the state of the world and economy right now. It’s been pretty depressing, to say the least. But as terms like new normal, unprecedented times and remote offices become commonplace, what is the true impact

Stay front of mind when coming out of the Covid-19 crisis

Businesses across the globe have felt the major impact of the Covid-19 crisis. And as many business owners fight to stay afloat in a world that teeters on the brink of recession, they might feel that now is not the right time to be focusing on marketing. Yet, they could be missing a trick. As

Marketing During a Crisis

Businesses need to stick together during this time and adapt to change. Rather than going into panic-mode, now is the time to plan for the future and build your sales pipeline. Marketing strategies need to pivot, but not stop completely!

Marketscan Has Rebranded!

For over 35 years, Marketscan has earned an enviable reputation for the supply of high-performing, cost-effective B2B data lists and expert database cleansing and analytical services. We work closely with our clients to understand their business objectives, and to help them achieve the results they need from their database marketing activities. The personal customer service

Partner Blog: Can you hear the success?

Everywhere you look there are sales teams who are for and against telephone marketing. How often have you heard that cold calling is dead? But how often have you also heard that cold calling is alive and well? 

Marketscan Sales Team Go Back to School

This September, the Marketscan sales team has gone back to school and is working hard to gain the much-valued Chartered Institute of Marketing Foundation Certificate which is run by Chichester University.